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Caution Deleted for Historic Sexual Assault Youth Caution

Our client had been issued with a youth final warning (called a youth caution today) for a sexual assault. The facts of the allegation were complex, and related to bullying the client had been the victim of at school. The school had failed to protect him from ongoing bullying and which had culminated in

ABH Youth Caution Removed for Client

We have again successfully removed a youth reprimand (now called a youth caution) for a client. Police Caution and Youth Caution (reprimand) Removal Solicitors The client, a trainee teacher, had undertaking extensive academic study and teacher training only to be prevented from qualifying as a teacher due to a historic youth reprimand for ABH (Actual

ABH youth reprimand downgraded

We were instructed by a client to challenge an unfairly issued youth reprimand for ABH (now called a youth caution). Unfairly Issued Youth Warnings and Cautions The client was training to be a teacher and only discovered the reprimand would affect him after undertaking many years of higher education. As the reprimand was for

Enforced Subject Access, Criminal Records & Overseas Employment

What is Enforced Subject Access? Under Section 184 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) it is illegal to require a person to provide a “relevant record” in relation to recruitment for a job, continuing employment, or when providing services to the public. What is a “Relevant Record”? Relevant records under

What are the new Diversionary and Community Cautions and how will they affect you?

If you have ever been involved in a minor criminal offence, such as shoplifting, assault, public order issues, criminal damage, or drug possession, you may have been offered an out of court disposal (OOCD) by the police. An OOCD is a way of dealing with low-level offending without going to court, which can save